Like the surface of the sea was the mirror of Tuzun Thune; hard as the sea in the sun's slanting beams, in the darkness of the stars, where no eye can pierce her deeps; vast and mystic as the sea when the sun smites her in such way that the watcher's breath is caught at the glimpse of tremendous abysses. So was the mirror in which Kull gazed.
Robert Howard
Across the edges of Hyperborea near the very beaches where the abysses of the Outer Darkness wash against reality. There are fools and morons who comb the ruins for treasures beyond compare. Below are a list of some of these priceless items and for some the price is far worse.1d30 Random Finds From The Outer Darkness table
- A fragment of black foul sorcery whose reflected surface is the crystallized souls of the nameless damned of some lost world. Picking this thing up causes the owner to be plagued by 1d20 spectres who will tear him apart. Yet necromancers will pay 200 gold pieces for these rare items.
- A noble woman's mother of pearl comb, it shines in the moonlight and holds the reflections and memories of its owner. Those who use it may experience alien vistas of places that once were when Hyperborea was young.
- A solid stone piece of ivory carved from the tooth of an unknown god. This inlaid treasure stores 1d8 stories of forbidden sorcery and foul deeds. The thing will whisper its secrets to its owner in the night allowing him to cast 4th level necromancer spells. The owner's alignment will shift toward's lawful evil as the thing's influence continues.
- A copper plate containing a treasure map to another world, there is a 30% chance a demon will know when this item has been found and will seek out the owner to rend him limb from limb. The thing is cursed.
- A statue of a god made from crystallized demon dung and hung with a wire cord. The thing will slowly change position on the cord. There is a 10% chance that the thing will whisper one invaluable secret of a dead sorcerer to the owner. Every new moon the thing will open yawning vistas of the Outer Darkness to the owner in their dreams.
- A glazing glass made of meteor metal and polished by the skin of the damned under red horror filled skies. The thing will show visions of unknown hells. It is worth 70 gold pieces to certain cults of demon worshiping cults but they may try to kill the owner.
- A staff made from the solid thigh bone of a demon of greater chance. The thing will allow the owner to see in the darkness of the night and move among the shadows of worlds. There is a 70% chance of the owner getting stuck. The thing is worth 400 gold to the right sorcerers in certain cities of the damned.
- A Rod of the Jackal god - This is a well known item in certain ancient lands of Hyperborea, it allows one to speak with the dead at the stroke of mid night. The thing is prized by certain wizard ghouls who will kill the owner to get this relic. Worth 200 gold pieces to the right collector.
- A Crooked Metal Book of The Old Priests - This book contains secret spells of the damned wrought under dead stars that allow a sorcerer to know mind of certain cursed gods. There are five sixth level spells and there is always a summon demon spell worked into the book. This allows one to summon a demon without any preparation. The demon will be very angry however and may try to drag the magician off to some nameless hell. Worth 200 gold pieces to the write sorcerer.
- Box of the Soul - The many hybrid box contains 1d30 souls of the damned who will serve the sorcerer for one year and a day. After which he must join them in the box. The box is worth 50 gold pieces and is a cursed item.
- A worked onyx statue of a broken god - A statue from the sacking of the Hyperborean capital that has a bit of the ancient god's essence still within it. The thing allows one to re roll one missed roll per game but there is a price. The user's charisma begins to suffer as the destruction wrought on the statue happens to the user as well. -2 Charisma points each time the statue is used. Worth 100 gold pieces
- A single ivory statue of a lost and forgotten family god, this small figure allows one to commune with the ghosts of lost and ancient peoples. They will show the user visions of the afterworlds and near by treasures. The user must pray to this item's god however for these favors to continue. Every new moon the user must fulfill one small adventure in the name of this lost god. Worth 60 gold pieces.
- A single copper plate that contains a special map of the gateways to other places and times. There is a 60% chance of the user being ripped apart by ancient ghouls who guard such places. Those so rendered down by these horrors are taken as trophies and placed on ancient altars. There are sorcerers who pay 50 gold pieces and up for such items.
- A large piece of Jade made into a sounding stone for the depths between the worlds. This thing when used will show a path between the places of the Outer Darkness and our world. There is a 40% chance of attracting a demon's attention that lurks at the corners of reality. This piece of purest jade is worth 200 gold pieces but certain cults will kill to possess it.
- A small child like stone head corroded beyond anything has been created in exacting detail. The head will come to life if held for more then 1d4 rounds and recite ancient prophecies and litanies. There is a 20% chance that these words of forbidden ancient wisdom will have direct relevance to the PC. These stones are collected by modern religious cults who pay 300 gold pieces each. They are believed to be the souls of saints cursed into stone in ancient times.
- A piece of demon metal that flows in the user's hands from ancient times. This thing will turn into a +2 sword of slaying but there is a 20% chance that the item is cursed and will seek the blood of its owner. Many think these items are not worth the risk as they will devour the souls of their owners. Worth 100 gold pieces and they are a cursed item.
- A chest of the mirrored ones, this chest is covered in ancient Hyperborean glyph like writing and contains the soul of ancient demon from beyond the edge of the world. The thing will seek the true love of the owner to suck upon their life and essence. In exchange it will teach the owner the secrets of necromancy. These cursed items were used by certain necromancy cults to teach their children. They are worth 200 gold pieces each and can teach the first three levels of necromancy.
- A blood stained glass - This item of red cut crystal glass has been bathed in the ichor of demons and planar monsters it allows one to breach the gulf of worlds and teleport to such places with easy. The thing will want three pints of blood per journey and it must be the owner's. The thing is easily worth 200 gold pieces but a malevolent intelligence known as the tempter controls these glasses.
- A scroll of the cursed names of the devils of the dead worlds, this item allows one to summon the ghosts and souls of the small demons. They will answer three small questions per day, there is a 10% chance that they will lie as well. And a 2% chance of making a curse of mischief on the owner as well. Worth 60 gold pieces these items were once common.
- A small scion of Cthulhu - This small statue allows one to call the dreams of the drowned and mad of Cthulhu to allow one to have the insight of the insane. This allows one to add +2 intelligence each time this thing is put by the bed of the user. There is a 20% chance per use of attracting the dreaming aspect of the Great Old One as well who will devour the mind of the user leaving only a drooling husk behind. Worth 100 gold to the right buyer.
- The Ichor of Lesser Strangler - This small vial of Outer God blood allows one to send a spell of choking at their victims. The target must make a save vs wands or wrapped in energy black tendrils of the foulest type which do 1d8 points of damage. Worth 40 gold piece and these items are quite common among certain groups of sorcerers.
- Black Onyx Knuckle Dusters - These items are carved from the rib cages of certain races of low ranking demons. They allow one to strike undead and monsters that can not be normally harmed. There is a 30% chance per use that they may shatter. If used more then three times in a two week period. These times will merge with the flesh of the user. Worth 60 gold pieces to certain mad sects of magicians.
- A Cursed Flute Of The Deadly God - This flute is made from the arm bone of a damned wizard and has been carved by the talons of a demon. The flute will kill any being who hears its tune of the damned when the music stops. The soul of the target is forfeit to the Deadly God. The target must save vs. death or have their soul eaten after the song ends within one hour. The song will act as a charm spell upon the target.
- The Iron Key - This iron key has been made from the iron of the weapons of angels and forged in the heat of the burning hells upon an extinct sun. The key allows on to find the artifacts of ancient Hyperborean royalty when used as a pendulum. The key will pull toward such treasures, user should beware that many such treasures were guarded by terrible monsters and some minor gods. The key allows one past the complex locks the Hyperboreans. These keys are very rare and worth 200 gold pieces.
- The Folding Maps Of Nibbous - This is a series of maps made on the ancient papyrus of the magician Nibbous, These maps are doorways to the domains of Nimbous, mini planes where the sorcerers hid many ancient and dangerous artifacts. These things were often guarded by demons from the Outer Darkness. These maps would open doors and doorways to such places. They are often found in special metal scroll tubes. They are easily worth 200 gold pieces to the right wizard or mage.
- The An 'Guru Demon's Hand - These clawed hands often contain rare and valuable treasures within their palms. They are easily worth 200 gold or more but they are often cursed with wishes as each finger opens to reveal the rare treasures. Worth 600 gold piece if found.
- Mask of The White Warriors - These masks are often found near other treasures and then only rarely. They have been made from the carved skulls of demons and each one allows one to use infravision, see the invisible, and gaze into the souls of mortal men once per day. They are worth 100 gold pieces each. These items are sought by the Cult of the White Warriors who will bargain for their return to the cult. These masks often have a telepathy ability as well.
- Crown of the Yellow King - These weirdly wrought crowns of wire, piping, and ancient bone allows one to hear the thoughts and dreams of certain ancient dead kings. The crown will also allow one to cast a charm spell once per day. The user must be a man committed to the Outer God's cause. Failing to surrender your soil to the King In Yellow causes a major curse of damnation to invoke on the user.
- The user may once per day call upon the wisdom of these ancient wizards and kings to cast 3 second level spells per day. The crowns are priceless to some cults.
- The Ring Of Hyperborea - This ring of iron allows one to rip the soul from the body of a target who must save vs death. The user will absorb the soul of such a creature and extend their lives by 1d100 years per soul. The user's alignment changes to chaotic evil should this item be used and he is now a servant of the Outer Darkness.